Colquitt County Clerk of Court

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Posted on 11/4/2019 12:53:35 PM

Jury Duty

The jury process is an important and vital process of the courts function. Jury duty is a responsibility that all qualified citizens must share, and is the final check and balance on the American system of government.

Service Pay

Jury pay is $25 per day.

Jury Selection

If you are randomly selected by computer to serve as a juror, you will receive a jury summons in the mail indicating a specific date and time to appear for jury duty. Your summons may instruct you to call the jury line for a specific day and time to appear for jury duty. If your summons instructs you to call the jury line, be sure to call. The jury line number is (706) 343-6474.


  • Dress can be casual, but appropriate for the courtroom. A light jacket or sweater is recommended.
  • Feel free to bring non-legal reading material for use during breaks and court recesses.
  • Court search in progress.
  • Prohibited items need to be secured in your vehicle or given to someone not entering the courthouse. Items seized during the search will not be returned.
  • Prohibited items include firearms, ammunition, knives of any type, scissors, packages, mace-type sprays, cell phones, pagers, taser / stun guns, nail clippers, combs, sharp pointed objects, including rats’ tail.
  • Food and drink are not allowed in the courtroom.
  • Cell phones and cameras are not allowed in the courtroom.

Juror's Role

As a juror, you play an essential role in the American system of justice. You do not need any special skills or legal knowledge to be a juror. You do need to keep an open mind and be willing to make decisions free of personal feelings and biases.

During the Trial

As a juror, you will listen to opening statements and closing arguments for two sides. You will also learn about and weigh the evidence that has been collected for the trial. Then you will be asked to make a decision about the case after you have talked it over with the other jurors during deliberations.

During the trial, the judge serves as the court’s presiding officer and as the final authority for the law. The lawyers act as advocates for their sides of the case. As a juror, you are responsible for impartially evaluating the facts presented and for applying the law to these facts as the judge instructs you.

These combined efforts bring about the fair and impartial administration of justice in our county, our state and the nation.

Excusal or Deferral

Should you have a legal reason to be excused or deferred (delayed until another day), you must call the Clerk’s Office between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, no later than 10 days prior to your service date.

If any of the following apply to you, please contact our office, and we will be glad to mail you the appropriate form to remove you from the jury box permanently:

  • I no longer reside in Morgan County: My physical residence is now _______ (Attach a copy of your Driver's License or Voter's Card reflecting your current residence)
  • I am a convicted felon and my civil rights have not been restored. I was convicted on ____ in ____ County.
  • I am not a citizen of the United States.
  • The person named on this summons Is deceased. (indicate name and relationship of person completing form and the date of death)
  • I have not been deferred before; I have extra business and personal hardship as follows: _______
  • I am a full time student enrolled or taking classes or exams. Where? _______
  • I am the primary caregiver of a child 6 years of age or younger with no available alternative child care.
  • I am the primary teacher in a home study program and have no available alternative for children in the program. (Attach a copy of your Annual Declaration of Intent to Utilize a Home School Study Program filed with the Morgan County Board of Education)
  • I am the primary unpaid caregiver for a person over the age of 6. (Physician's Certificate required)
  • I am on active military/or reserve service member or the spouse of member over 50 miles from home.(A Copy of Military ID Required)
  • I am 70 years of age or older and request for permanent removal from the jury list of Morgan County. DOB ____
  • I am physically/mentally unable to serve as a juror. (Physician's Certificate required)
  • I have already served as a juror within the last 12 months under the name of _______

Please use the following document for Deferment: